Black Béret
My father grew up on a dude ranch in Bridger Canyon above Bozeman, Montana. His family made wine out of everything they could forage: chokecherries, huckleberries, gooseberries, apples, dandelions, etc. When he moved to Vashon Island in the early 1970’s, he brought that sensibility with him. Vashon is an Island that is roughly the size and shape of Manhattan. But instead of millions of people, Vashon is covered in the invasive, Himalayan blackberry vine. Despite the vines annoyance, he noticed the fruit proivided a rich juice full of flavor and rich tannins. After years of experimenting, he devised a recipe, but it was not until one moonlight night aboard his trusty sloop that my father woke from slumber with the punny (not puny) idea for the name: Black Béret.
Black Béret front label
Black Béret became quite popular with the townsfolk of Vashon. To keep up with demand, a party was held each year during the peak of the blackberry season. For each gallon of fresh berries donated to the cause, one bottle of Black Béret was rewarded at a second party in the following spring. This tradition continues to this day with me and my sister Alison. Let me know if you care to brave thorn and thistle!
Black Béret bottling party